City hears 2024 project updates

By Benjamin Chase of the Plainsman
Posted 12/24/24

Notes from December 23 Huron City Commission meeting

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City hears 2024 project updates


HURON — Huron City Engineer Brett Runge presented an update on the 2024 projects through his department during Monday evening’s Huron City Commission meeting.

Runge opened by explaining that this was one of his busiest years on record in total projects. He broke down each project with a summary.

The projects that have now been completed and closed included the wastewater treatment facility improvements - phase 1, focusing on building rehabilitation and new sequencing batch reactors. The final payment was issued in Jan. 2024 roughly $500,000 under the $14.9 million budget. The second closed project is the Huron parking ramp removal and lot reconstruction project. Runge noted that once the project was paved and striped in the spring, the striping was not up to standards, leading to restriping work and reshaping islands within the lot. The project still ended up more than $100,000 under budget. The final closed project was a lighting upgrade at Memorial Ballpark. The lights were replaced and on-field lights were upgraded to LED lighting and that was completed in Spring 2024 roughly $30,000 over the initial $334,000 budget.

Street milling and overlay is an ongoing project, but the 2024 work has been completed and is closed with 45 blocks of street milling and overlay completed this year roughly $40,000 under the $1,026,756 budget. Sanitary sewer manhole lining is also an ongoing project, but the 2024 portion has been completed and closed. The city completed $51,243.95 of crack sealing in 2024 as well as $152,678 of chip sealing and fog sealing on city streets. Approximately 55 blocks were sealed.

Design was completed on Jersey Ave. drainage improvement, but due to re-evaluation of the project and permitting delays, the final bidding will be done in 2025 and constructed with a budget of $540,000.

Runge then began the ongoing projects by reviewing the solid waste transfer station. Weather damage significantly delayed the project, which expected to be complete in 2024, but after the delay due to damage, the building is now enclosed and interior work is being finished with a goal to complete all construction and begin moving over of the solid waste department into the facility beginning in Feb. 2025. Budget for the project was $9.2 million, and the current contracts and invoices are more than $200,000 under budget.

The water system and radio network upgrade project with the city’s water meters is ongoing as more meters are replaced and lift stations are also equipped with remote diagnostics tools. Budget for the project was $1,065,000, and the city is currently $200,000 under budget on the project.

Runge sighed as he introduced the Dakota Ave. project from Third St. N. to Ninth St. S. Changes in the bidding of the project left some downtown pieces, such as street lights, on the two-year plan rather than completion plan alongside the downtown corridor. City engineering worked with the construction group to get as much completed as feasible before winter and will complete that in 2025 in the downtown area. Work on Third St. N. to Market St. and Seventh St. S to Ninth St. S. will be completed in 2025. Runge stated that the project is currently over budget due to issues found when replacing the water line alongside the road reconstruction that were not known until work began on the water line.

Fourth St. reconstruction from the Third St. bridge to Custer Ave. was completed in gravel this year. It will be paved in 2025. Budget is currently $150,000 under budget.
The ongoing water main project reached 38% completion in 2024 on a three-year project that needed to be bid. Lift station improvements are also ongoing, reaching 50% completion in 2024, while the two-year sewer main lining project reached 35% completion.

After delays before bids were allowed to go out, two FEMA grants for work on the Third St. bridge were bid in 2024 with work scheduled to begin in 2025. Earlier in the meeting, amendments for both grants were approved by the commission.
Jersey Ave. storm sewer was delayed to 2025 due to construction on the area in question this year.

The salt storage shed was another project that underwent weather damage in its path to completion. It will be completed in Jan. 2025 and is still currently under budget.

While not scheduled to begin work until 2026, the next phase of the Dakota Ave. project will be from 9th St. S. to 21st St. S. Runge stated that there will be public meetings to come early in 2025 to preview the work that will be coming.

Runge closed by highlighting the equipment purchases that his department procured for city departments before updating on irrigation review, an upcoming change to the floodplain mapping for the area through FEMA, and traffic control and striping.

After a big smile and a deep breath, Runge stated, “It’s been a busy year!”

The commission approved a pay request to BX Civil & Construction Inc. for the Dakota Ave. project in the amount of $138,718.

Commissioners approved a land purchase agreement for the mayor to sign for land to the west of Wal-mart. This had previously been approved, but full details of the purchase are now finalized. Commissioner Rich Bragg explained the future platting of the property would be coming to the commission as well as joint planning and county boards.

The Capital Assets Committee recommended an additional $3,495 for Americans with Disabilities Act compliance on budgeted work to occur on the East doors of the Fine Arts Center.

Commissioners also:

• Approved an on-sale alcoholic beverage application filed by James Valley Shriner Club for an indoor ice fishing event Jan. 18 at the Campus Center.
• Approved an on-sale alcoholic beverage application filed by James Valley Shriner Club for the Cavour Volunteer Fire Department event on Jan. 24 at the Campus Center.
• Accepted the voluntary resignation of interim deputy accounting coordinator Kelly Sherman, effective Dec. 13.
• Approved posting internally and advertising for the Deputy Accounting Coordinator position.
• Approved full-time status for David Johnson, Solid Waste Maintenance 1, for completing his 1,040-hour probationary period.
• Approved the seasonal employment of John Todd as CDL truck driver with the street department for snow removal.
• Approved the Century Link long-distance contract and approved to sign affiliated contracts.

Holiday hours were re-iterated for both the solid waste department and for city departments. City offices and solid waste drop off site will be closed at noon on Dec. 24 and closed all day Dec. 25 for the Christmas holiday.

The commission adjourned the public meeting to hold two executive sessions to complete the evening’s proceedings.