Governor, new Pro Tempre seek to build trust in institutions

C.J. Keene of SDPB
Posted 1/15/25

2025 legislative session kicks off with State of State address by Noem

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Governor, new Pro Tempre seek to build trust in institutions


With the opening of session comes the naming of new leaders and the voices of present leaders. For some South Dakotans, much of that is rebuilding faith in key state institutions after a few long years.

The opening of the 100th South Dakota legislative session Tuesday also meant the delivery of what appears to be Gov. Kristi Noem’s final State of the State address.

Noem appears to be on the fast track to a Washington DC role in the looming Trump administration, as the likely upcoming Secretary of Homeland Security.

For her final address to South Dakota, though, Noem evoked the life of Gladys Pyle, the state’s first female Secretary of State and one-time candidate for governor.

“88 years later, I became the first female Governor of the state of South Dakota, but Gladys’ story reminds me sometimes that obstacles that people face sometimes prepare them for greatness,” Noem said. “America has been through a very difficult time, and now we stand on the cusp of a great American comeback.”

In the Senate Chris Karr was named as the new Pro Tempore of the chamber, a role reserved for senior members of the body. He said now is the time to reestablish trust in state institutions.

“What is paramount to me as I approach this position is the integrity of this institution,” Karr said. “I have sometimes called this institution an idea machine, because it takes ideas, and it puts them through a process – an adversarial process – of proponents and opponents. If we respect that process, I can assure you of a few things. That we can vet any idea no matter how controversial.”

Tuesday marked legislative day 1. Session runs through mid-March.

Gov. Noem's full speech:


Lieutenant Governor Rhoden, Mr. Speaker, Supreme Court justices, Constitutional officers, members of the House and Senate, and my fellow South Dakotans:


We stand here at the start of the 100th session of the South Dakota State Legislature. Over those 100 sessions, we have made history here in South Dakota. The things that took place in this building have changed our state forever. Today, I want to share a story that inspires me – a story about a South Dakota trailblazer, Gladys Pyle.


Gladys was born in Huron in 1890. Her mother, Mamie, secured the right to vote for South Dakota women. Her father, John, was the fourth Attorney General of South Dakota. But Gladys would outshine them both. She became the first female Secretary of State in South Dakota in 1927 – then the first Republican woman elected to the U.S. Senate in 1938. But did you know that Gladys Pyle was almost the first female governor of South Dakota? In fact, she won the primary with 28% of the vote. But she didn’t clear the 35% threshold, so the vote went to the GOP convention, where a different candidate was selected after 12 ballots. 88 years later, I became the first woman to hold this office. Gladys’ story reminds me that sometimes, the obstacles that we face prepare us for greatness.


America has been through a difficult time. Now, we stand on the cusp of a great American comeback. In just 6 days, a leader will take office in Washington who will truly make our nation great again. South Dakota has had its own share of difficulty in these past years. But those challenges have been opportunities that have put us in position to succeed – and to thrive. Today, South Dakotans have prosperity and hope! Our people enjoy a greater level of Freedom than anywhere else. We have made our state safer, stronger, and freer for our kids and our grandkids. We have built a stronger South Dakota than ever before.


And we are just getting started. When I was elected Governor, I knew that our best days were still ahead of us, and I still believe it today. Because we focused on Freedom and not government control, we have unleashed something in our people. We have fostered that American sense of hard work, grit, and determination – a spirit that is disappearing in far too many other places.


South Dakota has created our very best days. More importantly, we’ve created the opportunity for even better days ahead. And that is what I would like to talk to all of you about today. You might have learned by now that I love “Top 10” lists – and you might even be tired of hearing them! But I think they’re more interesting. So today, I’m going to share with you the top-10 reasons why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation.


The number 10 reason why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation: Education. One of the very best ways that we can set our kids up for success is by giving them the best education possible. We raised the bar for the education that our kids will get in the classroom. We supported their teachers to attract and retain the very best. We provided additional opportunities for parents to help their kids succeed.


We know that reading is the foundation of educational success. We implemented the Science of Reading across South Dakota so that our kids can get excellent phonics-based reading education. We revamped our social studies standards so that our kids will get the very best civics and history education in America. We launched the South Dakota Sturdy initiative to teach our students grit and mental resilience – I believe this will become yet another example for the nation. And we eliminated hateful teachings like Critical Race Theory that only seek to divide our kids.


We recognized that, after parents, teachers are the most impactful people on our children’s education. So we made sure that they will be paid what they deserve. And we launched a fantastic teacher apprenticeship program. Now, teacher aides can become fully certified teachers while still earning a paycheck to put food on the table for their families.


But education isn’t one-size-fits-all. That’s why we’re expanding options for parents. We improved alternative education in South Dakota to give flexibility to parents who choose that path for their kids. We expanded the Partners in Education Tax Credit Scholarship. And this year, we will be working with Majority Leaders Odenbach and Mehlhaff to institute Education Savings Accounts for South Dakota kids.


These Education Savings Accounts will support all South Dakota students. We will provide families greater opportunities to choose the best fit for their child’s education. And we won’t impact the funding that goes to our great public schools. These ESAs will be a testament to our ability to meet the unique needs of every South Dakota family that participates.


The number 9 reason why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation: Healthcare. Our state has been a leader in healthcare policy. We took a unique approach to the COVID pandemic. We cared for our people while still respecting their Freedoms. We created a first-in-the-nation initiative where telehealth services are available in the back of ambulances across South Dakota. We guaranteed that South Dakotans will have price transparency from health insurance companies. And we created regional mental health facilities across the state to get South Dakotans care closer to home.


We are reforming healthcare to give South Dakotans more opportunities to work. The Freedom Works Here campaign recruited nurses to South Dakota because this was our number one workforce need. Ladies and gentlemen, the results have been incredible. Over the last two years, the number of nurses working in South Dakota has increased by at least 1,100 across all nursing classifications. These professionals are filling critical roles in hospitals and clinics across the state, ensuring that every community has access to care.


And we are advancing career opportunities for South Dakotans who use our state’s Medicaid program. South Dakota already has work requirements in place for many of our social welfare programs, such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Food Stamps. For folks in these programs, the Department of Social Services provides SD Career Link to help them find a career that they’ll love. We assist with education and training, interview skills, and finding career opportunities.


This past November, South Dakota voters passed Amendment F, which allows for future work requirements under Medicaid Expansion. SD Career Link will be available for these folks, as well. We will connect them with the training, guidance, and support they need to find a stable and meaningful career. This will make South Dakota even stronger and more prosperous for the next generation.


The number 8 reason why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation: Agriculture. Ag is more than just our largest industry – it’s our way of life. When Ag has a good year, our communities grow and thrive. When the opposite is true, our entire state faces challenges. I am proud that we’ve preserved our ag operations, opened up new markets for our commodities, and strengthened biofuels production. And we protected South Dakota ag from interference by evil foreign governments like Communist China. We’ve put South Dakota ag in position to be stronger than ever before.


We need a robust, diverse food supply, and our family farms are one of the most crucial parts of that. Family farms and ranches have a special connection to the land that has been in their family for generations. Today, I am announcing a partnership to keep farmers farming in South Dakota. We have reached an agreement between the State of South Dakota, the South Dakota Ag Foundation, and First Dakota National Bank to transfer the Keep Farmers Farming program from First Dakota to the South Dakota Ag Foundation. The partnership works with farm and ranch families on estate and transition planning. It helps our producers pass along their land and legacy to their kids and grandkids. It’s about transferring not just assets – but experience, work ethic, morals, and history to the next generation. My Governor’s Office of Economic Development will provide the South Dakota Ag Foundation with a one-year $200,000 grant to administer, market, and grow the program. And there will be no loss of service for existing program participants.


We have representatives here today from the South Dakota Ag Foundation – would you please give them a round of applause for the work they will do to Keep Farmers Farming in South Dakota?


The number 7 reason why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation is our Outdoor Opportunities. South Dakota has some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. From the rolling prairies to the rugged Black Hills, our landscapes are a testament to God’s creation. We’ve worked to conserve and enhance these treasures.


We’re breaking records for outdoor opportunities – including our pheasant hunting. Our Nest Predator Bounty Program has been incredibly successful. We’ve gotten our kids outdoors, passed on our outdoor heritage, and increased our bird population. And our Second Century Habitat Initiative took marginal acres and created more havens for wildlife. It had the added benefit of opening up more acres for public hunting. In 2024, South Dakota had a record 1.6 million acres of private land open for public hunting. We’ve had the most pheasant hunters in over 10 years. Hundreds of thousands of residents and nonresidents enjoyed our pheasant season. We had nearly 8 million visitors to our state parks. We’re expanding the Sioux Falls Outdoor Campus. We completed the fantastic expansion of Palisades State Park. And we broke the record for highest attendance at my favorite event of the year, the Governor’s Buffalo Roundup at Custer State Park.


The new Shooting Sports Complex near Rapid City will open later this year. It will be one of the very best firearms range complexes in the nation. It will offer a wide variety of options for firearms enthusiasts of all levels, from hunters and recreational shooters to law enforcement training.


We are conserving South Dakota’s natural beauty and creating more opportunities to share it in the future. I am so glad that my grandbabies will be able to enjoy the same beautiful great outdoors that I enjoyed growing up.


Speaking of babies, that brings me to the number 6 reason why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation: Babies. South Dakota still has the highest birth rate of any state in America. Our people are happy and have hope for our future. Every baby brings boundless potential.


We are caring for South Dakota moms and babies both before birth and after. Last year, we talked about the first thousand days of a child’s life – from conception to their 2nd birthday. These days are the most crucial to a child’s development. In the last year, our Bright Start program supported more than 600 mothers and more than 500 infants and toddlers. One mom started Bright Start as a teen – now she’s a registered nurse in an emergency room. She wrote to the Department of Health, “I talk about you and the Bright Start program all the time to new moms. I tell them the big impact you made on my life. I am forever grateful.”


This past November, the people of South Dakota endorsed the way that we are taking care of moms and babies. They voted to support life. And the Department of Health will continue emphasizing care for our next generation. If you have any questions about pregnancy, parenting, financial assistance, or adoption – is a one-stop shop that will get you the help that you need. Our commitment to moms, babies, and families ensures that our state’s future is as bright as the hope in a newborn’s eyes.


And we also need to keep our families safe. So, the number 5 reason why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation is Safety. I am incredibly proud of the work that we have done over the past six years to make South Dakota safer. We supported and respected law enforcement officers when much of the rest of the nation was attacking them. We led the way in cybersecurity by banning TikTok for state government and enhancing the mission of Dakota State University. And we led the nation by prioritizing our border security when the Biden Administration failed to keep America safe.


We made South Dakota the first state in America to offer a state-led tribal-specific law enforcement training. For the first time, future tribal law enforcement officers were trained right here in Pierre. They didn’t have to leave their families for three months to go to New Mexico. This year, we will make this training a part of our ongoing budget so that we can train tribal law enforcement officers into the future.


Today, we have here with us Corson County Sheriff Alan Dale and Ziebach County Sheriff Gary Cudmore. Would you two gentlemen please stand? These two sheriffs represent counties that are on South Dakota tribal lands. They helped me come up with the idea that became the tribal law enforcement training academy. Would you please join me in thanking them for their work to keep South Dakota safe?


We have also kept South Dakota safe through unprecedented natural disasters. My first year in office, South Dakota saw a historic bomb cyclone and other flooding events that made 63 of our 66 counties federal disaster areas. We’ve had tornados hit small towns and even our largest city. We’ve had wildfires threaten the Black Hills. We’ve seen a derecho, blizzards, and even an unprecedented 1,000-year flood. Every time, South Dakotans worked together to get through the very worst situations.


As an example, over the past several years, we have improved our infrastructure. We built levees stronger and higher. We invested in reinforcing and rebuilding dams to hold back these powerful rivers to the greatest extent possible. And we didn’t see any major dam breaks unlike in a neighboring state. But we know that planning can only go so far in preparing for a 1,000-year flood.


During the 1,000-year flood, several agencies stepped up to respond: at my direction, the South Dakota Department of Public Safety sent Highway Patrol and an Incident Management Assistance Team; the Department of Game, Fish & Parks deployed conservation officers to conduct boat rescues; the Department of Transportation handled traffic control, detours, and helped construct a levee across the Interstate in just hours in accordance with the city’s flood plan; and the State Geologist with the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources worked with local first responders to adjust to the river projections and water flows. After the flooding, the Department of Social Services helped arrange counseling; the Department of Health provided free tetanus shots; even the Bureau of Information and Telecommunications set up a network in the Emergency Operations Center to support response efforts. I want to thank all of the emergency responders, volunteers, local governments, and state employees whose quick and professional actions prevented further damage. And I want to honor a few individuals whose actions went above and beyond the call of duty.


Tim Cowman, our South Dakota State Geologist with the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, saved lives with his water flow projections. Without Tim, we would not have had as accurate of projections on the rising rivers. The data that we were getting from the Federal River Forecast Center was too unreliable.


Boat rescue crews with Sioux Falls Swift Water Rescue and conservation officers with the Department of Game, Fish and Parks acted heroically to save lives. I want to highlight one story in particular. In rural Union County, one individual was trapped on a highway overpass. They were stuck without food, water, or a way out in extreme heat. Our emergency management officials were trying to coordinate a helicopter rescue – but that would have been dangerous because of fast water flows, debris, and other hazards. Suddenly, a local official walked into the Emergency Operations Center and exclaimed, “Well scratch that plan, some crazy Game, Fish & Parks guys launched their boat in a highway ditch and were able to figure out a way to get to him.”


They risked their own safety and eliminated the need for a more dangerous aerial rescue. They used a drone to scout the possible route, boated across cornfields with unknown hazards, walked across a narrow berm to the overpass, and rescued that South Dakotan. I appreciate their example, leadership, and heroism.


The Sioux Falls Swift Water Rescue came at our request because of their special skillset. When the first member of their team arrived on site, he single-handedly assisted several people before the rest of the team arrived. In fact, when the rest of the team got there, he was taken for medical attention due to heat exhaustion. The other team members worked with Game, Fish & Parks through the night to make sure everyone was rescued. After everyone was out, they slept a few hours in the grass until morning.


These individuals all went above and beyond throughout this crisis. They truly saved lives, and we cannot thank them enough for what they accomplished. But here’s what I can do: I would like to give the Governor’s Award for Heroism to Tim Cowman; those “crazy Game, Fish & Parks guys:” Sam Schelhass, Jeremy Roe, Christopher Schiera, and Taylor Etherington; and the six members of the Sioux Falls Swift Water Rescue Team: Mike Murphy, Mike Olson, Adam Frick, Chris Lohan, Jack Claussen, and Rob Flannery. Please give them a round of applause.


Thank you.


The number 4 reason why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation: our Economy. We’ve built the strongest economy of any state in America. Our 1.9% unemployment rate is the lowest in the nation today, and it has averaged the lowest since I took office. We even broke the record for lowest unemployment rate of any state in American history. Our incomes have consistently grown faster than any other state, and we have led the nation in new housing development. Our labor force participation is far above the national average. We broke ground on a nearly one billion dollar food processing facility with CJ Schwan’s. Last year, we won the Governor’s Cup as the top state in America for economic development projects -- and we’re poised to do well in this metric again this year. And our GDP growth has consistently been among the fastest in the nation.


Rising incomes mean that – during a historic inflation crisis – South Dakota families have been better able to keep food on the table. New jobs mean our kids don’t need to leave the state to pursue the career of their dreams. New homes mean that we are able to welcome more Freedom-loving Americans to join us.


Our biggest challenge has been workforce. When I started the Freedom Works Here campaign in June 2023, we had more than 25,000 open jobs in South Dakota. Today, that number is down by more than 7,000. And we’re filling some of the most important job needs like nurses, electricians, plumbers, and accountants.


Our apprenticeship programs have completely changed how South Dakotans get educated for the future. Our teacher apprenticeship pathway is on track to turn out about 150 new certified teachers within just three years. We have more than 1,500 apprentices in professions like electricians, plumbers, K-12 teachers, linemen, carpenters, sheet metal workers, fire medics, HVAC installers, ag mechanics, welders, and more. Businesses across the state have welcomed apprenticeship opportunities with open arms.


Speaking of arms, South Dakota’s firearms manufacturing industry is thriving. We recently welcomed Paradigm Carbon to Yankton – they manufacture carbon wrapped gun stocks and barrels. Silencer Central in Sioux Falls is one of the fastest growing companies in America. Cole TAC in Rapid City joined us from out of state. Our firearms industry supports 1,600 jobs in South Dakota and generates more than $400 million in annual economic activity. And we are aggressively recruiting other arms and ammo manufacturers to bring their businesses to the most 2nd Amendment-friendly state in America.


And to show the diversity of our state’s economy, I want to focus on another growing business. I want to welcome leaders from a business that is revolutionizing our largest industry: agriculture. Our economy cannot thrive unless ag thrives. Bel Brands is doubling their production capacity. They will create additional markets for our ag producers and help ensure that South Dakota’s best economic days are still ahead of us. Will you all please join me in welcoming the leadership of Bel Brands?


The number 3 reason why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation: our Values. South Dakota embodies the values that make America so special. People visit here and think, “This is the way America is supposed to be.”


I recently had the opportunity to meet with Rabbi Mendel Alperowitz, South Dakota’s only rabbi. He talked to me about how traditional morals are eroding across the country. Antisemitic hatred continues to rise in far too many places. South Dakota addressed that last year. We defined antisemitic discrimination so that we can identify when it occurs and stop it. The Rabbi and I discussed how the nation needs to turn to South Dakota’s example to face this moral decline. We embody the values and morals that built this nation.


Make no mistake – America was built on Judeo-Christian values. This might be a controversial statement for some, but it wasn’t for our Founders. Take it from the father of our nation: George Washington.


It might surprise you to know that George Washington did not sign the Declaration of Independence. He was with his troops in the field while the Continental Congress met. John Hancock mailed him a copy. On July 9th, five days after it was signed, General Washington wrote General Orders to his men to gather and listen as the Declaration was read aloud. These were Washington’s words:


“The blessing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary, but especially so in times of public distress and danger. The General hopes and trusts that every officer and man will endeavor to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier, defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country.”


Even in that historic moment, General Washington encouraged his troops to first act as becomes a Christian – then defend our rights and liberties.


Four-and-a-half years ago, we had the tremendous honor of celebrating America’s birthday right here in South Dakota. We had this celebration with fireworks at Mount Rushmore, which honors President Washington and three other monumental American leaders. We welcomed President Trump to South Dakota to celebrate with us. We are the first nation built on the principle that our rights come from God, not government – that our people have the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In the coming days, we will once again move forward with planning to return fireworks to Mount Rushmore for America’s birthday. Get ready America – our nation’s 250th birthday is coming up in 2026. And South Dakota is going to throw the biggest birthday party ever at Mount Rushmore.


The number 2 reason why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation: our Freedoms. South Dakota has been a shining “City Upon a Hill” over the past few years. We have proven that Freedom Works Here. Here’s what I love most about that fact: we don’t have to just talk about Freedom. We can look from state to state and compare results.


When COVID came in 2020, South Dakota was the ONLY state that never forced a business or church to close. I never mandated anything. I trusted our people to use personal responsibility to make the best decisions for themselves and their loved-ones. We defended the First Amendment, including Freedom of Assembly, in ways that no other state did.


Later that year, when other states attacked and defunded law enforcement, South Dakota invited officers to move to a state that would respect them. And several times over the past few years, when other states accepted piles of federal money with strings attached to leftist policies, South Dakota said “no thanks.”


We’ve defended our Second Amendment more than any other state. The first bill that I signed as governor was Constitutional Carry. We blocked local governments from using emergencies to seize people’s firearms. We strengthened Stand Your Ground laws. I signed an Executive Order to protect our God-given right to keep and bear arms from being infringed upon by financial institutions. And we made South Dakota the first state in America where it will not cost you a penny to exercise your Second Amendment rights.


Thomas Jefferson once wrote a letter to James Madison where he said, “I prefer dangerous Freedom over peaceful slavery.” The media thought that the decisions we were making in South Dakota were “dangerous,” but those decisions were right. In the future, when tough decisions are in front of our state, we will have an easier time making the right choice. We have the courage of our convictions.


But Freedom is only as good as the people exercising those Freedoms – which brings me to the number 1 reason why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation: our People.


You’ve heard me recite our state motto many times: “Under God, the People Rule.” I hope that you will remind each other of that motto every day. Everything that we do is for the PEOPLE. The everyday South Dakotan does not have a lobbyist in this Capitol. It is the charge of each of the 105 legislators in this chamber to be that voice. Listen to your constituents, do the work to learn the facts, and then make the best decisions you can as their elected leaders.


I do want to thank one particular group of fantastic South Dakotans: my family. Several of them are in the back of the room here today, and I’d like to say a few words honoring them.


My mom Corinne is here. Mom, you spoke life into me and made me realize how special I am to God. You taught me that I could do anything, and your love showed me that I was already enough.


My son Booker couldn’t be here today – he’s across the world telling people about Jesus. Booker, I am so proud of your example of Christ’s love. God has you right where he wants you, and we sure enjoy when we can spend time with you. I’m so proud of you.


My daughter Kennedy and her husband Tanner couldn’t be here because they will be having my next grandbaby any day now! Kenners and Tanner, I am amazed at what you have already accomplished at such a young age. I will be praying for you as you start parenthood. I know that you will do a great job, just like you always do!


My oldest, Kassidy, is here with her husband Kyle, and they brought their oldest, Miss Addie. I am her best friend! They have two other beautiful babies too: Branch and Lenni Lou. For a minute there, they had three kids under three! And they still are achieving fantastic things in their careers. Kass and Kyle, you have such a bright light and are such an example to others. You are raising amazing kiddos. It’s a wonderful reflection of your love. Thanks for letting me babysit so often – there’s nothing I love more!


Last but certainly not least, I want to thank my husband Bryon for being the best partner through this crazy journey together. When he married me, he thought he was marrying a farmer! Bryon, you have always been there with advice and support. Thank you for all the adventures, the love, and the years that we are enjoying together.


I love each and every one of you. Would everyone please join me in honoring my family?



So that’s it: my Top 10 Reasons why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation. But before I go, I do have something else to talk to you about.


You probably know that President-elect Trump has called on me to serve, if confirmed,  as the next Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. It’s a tremendous honor and a great responsibility. The mission is to keep the American people safe from threats to the Homeland.


The situation at our Southern Border is nothing short of an invasion. Over the last four years, America’s border security has been purposely weakened and ignored. Our laws have not been enforced. And this has led to millions and millions of law enforcement encounters with illegal aliens. That doesn’t include millions of “gotaways” that we’re aware of. It doesn’t include the ridiculous number who got in through the “CBP One” phone app. And it doesn’t include the many thousands who caught a free plane ride over our borders courtesy of the federal government. Too many of these individuals disappear while they wait for an asylum hearing or don’t ever show up for that hearing.


As you know, I’ve taken a stand against this invasion. I have deployed South Dakota National Guard to our southern border eight times. That includes five state deployments to support Texas’ work to stop the flow of illegal aliens. I went to the border myself several times. I witnessed illegal immigrants infiltrate our nation. And I saw our National Guard troops enforcing our laws and building the wall.


Ladies and gentlemen, leadership has consequences. We see the consequences of Washington’s inaction here in South Dakota. The cartels and their affiliates have invaded our poorest communities. Other states around the country see it too. Increased crime. Increased drugs. Increased overdose deaths, violence, rape, human trafficking, and murder. Even known terrorists have crossed the border amongst the illegals – and they could be anywhere. This invasion is an existential threat to America. It threatens our national security and our economy.


The basic question is this: What kind of country do we want to leave to our families? I want to leave them a state and a nation that is even safer, stronger, and freer than the one that I grew up in.


That leaves me in a position where I may say “farewell” to all of you in the very near future. But before I do, I want to say a few words about the man sitting beside me. I started this speech – and every speech that I have given to this joint legislative session – with the words, “Lieutenant Governor Rhoden.” Almost seven years ago, people recommended I pick a Sioux Falls businessman to be my running mate. But I didn’t. I asked a West River rancher to join me on the ride of a lifetime. Larry Rhoden stepped up to the plate. He has been more than just a partner in this role – he has been an adviser, a source of wisdom, and (this is sometimes more important) a source of laughter.


I chose Larry to run with me because I knew that a day like today might come. I knew that it was always possible that I might not be your governor anymore – whether that circumstance be the result of tragedy or opportunity. So I wanted a partner who would lead this state just as I would. I wanted someone who realized that our rights come from God, not from government – that it is our duty to protect the rights and Freedoms of our people. I wanted a friend – and Larry has been a friend since I was first elected to the state legislature almost 20 years ago.


Larry, you’re next at bat, so here’s a baseball bat that will help you do the job. Maybe it’ll hold up better than those gavels that you love to shatter at this podium. Senators and leaders, you will find smaller replicas of this bat at your desks. And house members, you’ll find baseballs. These are a reminder that all of you are at bat now.


Ladies and gentlemen, I trust you to knock it out of the park – because the people have bestowed that trust in you. “Under God, the People Rule.” Our people are worth serving. They are the very best in America. They have been such a blessing and a source of joy to me and my family. So although I am saying “farewell,” please know that I’m not going far. South Dakota has always been my home – and it is still my home. I will continue to focus on making our people safer, stronger, and freer.


To the people of South Dakota: thank you for the incredible honor of serving you as state representative, as congresswoman, and now as governor. Thank you for trusting me and for working with me to accomplish incredible things.


But that’s enough of that. We must keep looking ahead. Our state and our nation have even better days in front of us, God willing. The state of our state is strong. With your leadership, it will continue to grow stronger.


Thank you all. God bless you. And may God continue to bless the great state of South Dakota.