Letter - Schultz 1-8-25

Posted 1/8/25

Writer questions efficacy of CO2 sequestering

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Letter - Schultz 1-8-25


To the editor:

“Planet-warming CO2” is only a belief propagated by politicians and CO2 pipeline operators. Fact is that CO2 emits as much heat (photons) as it absorbs including upwards to space. CO2 is neutral in the impact of global temperatures.

There is a real conundrum concerning water vapor. Water vapor and CO2 have the same scientific classification regarding both being atmospheric temperature moderators. Neither molecule warms the planet. Water vapor is 30 times more prevalent than CO2. But CO2 has been villainized because there is money to be made by reducing it.

An increase in atmospheric CO2 has a beneficial impact on plant growth and reduces the evaporation from the plant leaves.

Summit Carbon Solutions touts sequestering 18 metric tons of CO2 annually. That sounds like a big number. However, the earth naturally produces 840 metric gigatons of carbon dioxide annually by the oceanic plankton and the global decomposition (rotting) of organic matter. Summit Carbon Solutions sequestering 18 million metric tons of CO2 would reduce global CO2 by 0.00002. That is after using massive amounts of water and electric energy.

According to a NASA satellite image, the most CO2 in the US is the Everglades and Southern California. The industrial north does not register as significant.

The US has 204 coal fired power plants. China has 1161. Globally, there are 2167. Where does the increase of global carbon dioxide come from?

Apparently not from the minuscule CO2 emitted by ethanol plants, as if it really mattered.

Kevin Schultz