School notes 12-30-24

By Plainsman Staff
Posted 12/30/24

Multiple areas of the Huron district highlighted

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School notes 12-30-24


Buchanan K-1 Center
Our youngest tigers are off to a great start in Physical Education at Buchanan. We began the year “Building a Foundation,” by learning locomotor movements, rules, procedures, and safety in the gym. A major component of our foundation was personal and general space, which we continue to work on daily.

After building our foundation we moved on to a unit on manipulatives, which included exploration with bean bags, scarves and hula hoops.  We are currently finishing up balance, stunts and tumbling.

Following the holiday break, we are looking forward to units on catching/throwing, jumping, kicking/trapping and dribbling/volleying/striking. Our students will also have the opportunity to participate in the Kids Heart Challenge through the American Heart Association soon after we return from our holiday break. We will finish the school year by learning to ride Strider Bicycles and having our traditional field day in May.

The students continue to bring excitement and energy to class every day. We strive to work hard, while being respectful and supportive of each other. Hopefully everyone enjoys their holiday break and can find ways to stay active!

Submitted by Jeremy Noyes

Huron Colony
The Huron Colony students have been making great strides in their academics, with exciting progress across reading, math, and writing activities.

The fourth graders have been reading chapter books both as a class and independently. Their reading skills are improving noticeably, especially when reading aloud with the group. Their growing confidence and teamwork are truly impressive!

Meanwhile, the fifth graders are picking up speed in their reading as well. They’ve been enjoying more challenging chapter books each week and are particularly fond of the Dog Man series and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It’s wonderful to see their enthusiasm for reading grow alongside their skills.

In math, both the fourth and fifth graders have tackled adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. The class has taken on these skills with excitement, often remarking, “Oh, this is easy!” Fingers crossed the confidence keeps building!

The eighth graders are hard at work solving equations, though they still aren’t too happy about dealing with x’s and y’s in math problems. Their frequent question of “Why? Why?” brings humor to the learning process, even as they continue to work toward success.

Across all grade levels, students have also been focused on improving their writing skills. With a variety of creative incentives to motivate them, they’ve shown impressive progress in storytelling. Their hard work and creativity are shining through!

Keep up the great work, Huron Colony students — your efforts are paying off!

Submitted by Ms. Schinderling, 4-8 grade teacher

HHS Band
We had a busy first semester in the high school band world and it is hard to believe that the semester is almost over. We had a successful marching band season, which finished in October, and have since then transitioned smoothly into concert band season. We had our Holiday Extravaganza high school music concert on Dec. 16 at the high school with a meal and entertainment before the concert and the full high school music department performing in the concert.

Looking ahead to next semester, we have a lot of events coming up. You can see the pep band perform at a variety of home basketball games, many students will be auditioning for the S.D. All State Band, and the jazz band will be working on competition pieces for when they travel to Mitchell and Sioux Falls in February and March to compete in their respected jazz festivals. We will have our Pop, Popcorn, and Jazz concert on March 24 in the high school commons. We will finish our school year with one final 6-12 band concert scheduled for April 28.

Submitted by James Stueckrath, band director

HHS Choir

The Huron School District Choir Department has had a packed season filled with impressive performances and achievements. Sixteen students represented Huron at the All-State Chorus and Orchestra event in October, following workshops at NSU and SDSU. On November 4, the Middle and High School Vocal Concert featured performances by all three choirs, along with selections from the All-State students. Fifteen freshmen participated in a choir festival in Salem, while three freshmen were selected for the ACDA Junior Honor Choir, a prestigious event they will attend in January.

The Madrigals spread holiday cheer through caroling at locations like the Senior Center, Buchanan and Madison schools, and Peaceful Pines, and joined the Concert Choir in performing at the Salvation Army Christmas Basket. They also sang at the school’s Veterans Day program, while other choir students performed the National Anthem at various school sports events. The season concluded with the Christmas Concert, showcasing all Huron High School music groups. Through hard work and dedication, the choir students have brought music to life for their school and community this year.

Submitted by Tabitha Unruh, choral director

HHS Special Ed
Students in the DLC (Developmental Learning Class) room have been working on academic and transition skills to increase their knowledge and improve their independence.

During Daily Living Skills students work to follow a schedule independently by participating in and completing a variety of academic, transition, sensory, and fine and gross motor tasks. Students work on timed activities and/or are directed to complete tasks before transitioning to a new task or activity.

In Math students have focused on number concepts, place value and rounding.
The Language Arts class recently finished a book study on “Call it Courage” and this December have been working on citing evidence regarding our study of a text on Caribou and Reindeer.

In Social Skills students participated in a community-based unit which focused on going to restaurants. Students learned about and discussed the various tasks involved in going to a restaurant by reading passages and answering discussion questions, creating a slides presentation, reflecting, and role playing. They had the opportunity to practice their skills throughout the unit by participating in a Milk Drink Shack, Classroom Movie Theater, and Restaurant Field Trip.

Submitted by Samantha Kruse, Special Education teacher