Community Improvement Committee hosts annual family activity day
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HURON — Winter Fest, a winter celebration held annually at the Nordby Exhibit Hall on the Fairgrounds, is planned from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18.
Sponsored by the Huron Community Improvement Committee, Winter Fest is a series of events for Huron families to gather and enjoy themselves and beat back the blahs of winter with fun for all.
Winter Fest 2025 will feature bouncy houses for the kids as well as bingo for the adults. The Huron Public Library and Beadle County Survivors will host a structured activity for the younger set while the Huron Girl Scouts will be selling hot dogs and snacks. A free hot chocolate bar will be available once again as well as face painting for the kids. Minnow Racing, corn hole and other family games will be available for all as will the popular photo booth.
The highlight of Winter Fest will be the third annual Chili Cook Off sponsored by Picek Construction, which will award $300 and a trophy to the winner.
If you would like to be a contestant, please give Amy Fullerton a call at 605-461-1435. The winner will be determined by popular vote.
Please note that admission to Winter Fest is free. Come join them and bounce away those winter blues.
The Huron Community Improvement Committee (CIC) is chaired by Amy Fullerton with the following members: Tom Brantner, Michael Manolis, Mark Robish, Denise Matson, Marilyn Grafsgard, and Jessica Hotchkiss. It liaises with Chad Schroder of Parks and Rec and Commissioner Drew Weinreis.
In addition to Winter Fest, the CIC hosts a Street Dance each summer, sponsors mural displays downtown and at the Kansas Street Mall, maintains the downtown Christmas wreaths, co-hosts the Burger Battle, and hosts the I Made a Difference campaign, among other activities designed to increase the quality of life in Huron.